Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Popeyes Store locations and Hours Post

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i don't know how they stay open, went there Friday night after 8;45 pm, on 01/04//2013 the manager was the only one taking orders, but even she was not doing that, she was talking to her about a new cellphone, there was 8 patrons waiting to to be served , but that did't happen because the manager stated she'd be back, so we waited for the manager to come back, after 10 minutes, i asked one of the girls if they could take my order and they stated they could not, so i left and about 4 other people left, there about 200 pieces of chicken that was sitting in plain view and getting cold, i will never ever go there again, every one working that night needs to fired, apparently they value their jobs, so whom ever is responsible for this popeyes establishment should be keep and eye on it, you are losing buisness.

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