Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Pizza Hut Store locations and Hours Post

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Ordered online ,after 2 hours called spoke to a young man( apparently the driver) who looked up my order and read off a few names of previous people who had ordered. I believe he found the order because he stated after it ame out of the oven he would deliver personally. another hour passed, no pizza. I call again and spoke to a young woman who hen passed the phone on to another woman who stated they tried calling me but could not reach me(my fault switched 2 numbers) and the address was coming up and a private home. he came off to me like it was all my fault. (no apology) needless to My job is a big box store that is 1-1/2 blocks away from this pizza hut and sitting literally on the same street. I wanst angry but not happy I spent my whole lunch hour waiting. and they already had cancelled my order before I asked them to.

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