Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Eyemart Express Store locations and Hours Post

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I had recently been given a pair of glasses w/a designer clip on sunglasses from a very dear friend. They were hers and given to her by her late husband. To think she wanted me to have them meant so much. I took them to Eyemart Express in Niles to see if I could have the lens replaced with my prescription. After talking with a technition, I was told they could not do it because the frames were not purchased at the store. I explained to her the scentimental value of these glasses. She excused herself and went and returned with Michael Keas. He too explained why they could not replace the lens. I became very emotional and thanked Michael and started to leave. He came out to the parking lot and asked me to return to see what they could do for me. After talking to the tech's they decided to make the lens. I cannot tell you how much this meant to me. I want to thank everyone who went "above & beyond" and even broke a few policies to bring me a wonderful pair of glasses that I will cherish and wear. Thank you all!

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