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Report abuse on a Kids R Kids Store locations and Hours Post

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Kids R Kids # 44 was the third day care center that my child attended in one year . My child is allergic to everything under the sun and the other 2 places didn't offer my child the safe environment that I was looking for him. My son was in Ms Buss' Private PreK class.I don't have enough words to thank my son's teachers ( Ms Buss , Ms Mel& Ms Gina - the before and after school teachers)for helping me to keep my son safe and healthy ( he has severe food allergies ). The owner - Mr David is really nice and helpful and he doesn't act like a "know it all " , he listens to you and doesn't make you feel like " that crazy parent " . My son has bad pollen allergies and Mr David was so helpful when I asked him to keep my son inside while the pollen count was high and keep the windows closed in his classroom . I was really , really happy with this place and I am really hard to please !!! Thank you everybody at Kids R Kids # 44 !----------

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