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Report abuse on a Midas Store locations and Hours Post

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Hi, My car was serviced by Midas, in November, the 23rd, 2012, due to my car overheating. At the time, I had Midas put in a new water pump, and belts. I since then (feb. 24, 2013)had service done by someone else, as I needed a new water pump, due to the one put in was leaking. I hope to get a refund on the parts and service as I suffered without heat throughout the winter until a few weeks ago. What can be done to obtain my service with you? I appreciated what I thought was honesty, even though there was another time without my permission that someone there decided to put antifreeze in my vehicle and did not ask prior yet I only had my vehicle toed so did not even need the service. I found that out by a phone call a week later to my surprise. I hope the customers are of value there. Thanks.

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