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Report abuse on a Midas Store locations and Hours Post

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I wish I could give zero stars. Do NOT go here. Over the winter, I slipped on some black ice and my windshield wipers, fluid, and signals stopped working. I thought it was a fuse so I brought it in for them to look at. They said I needed a diagnostic and they would call me when it was done. A few hours later the guy calls me back to the store and I go down with my boyfriend. He tells me that the "Spiral Cord" was broken and it was a $300 piece, plus a hundred for labor. I asked "What if I get the part?" And he said then extra labor fees would be included and I'd be paying the same amount.My boyfriend even asked him if he checked the fuses and the guy said yes, they were all fine. I told him I didnt have the money to fix it immediately so I left with my car. Fast foward a few months, and I have a family member look at it for me. He said the clock spring(interchangeable) with spiral cord) was perfectly fine, opens up the fuse box and finds the fuse for my wipers fluid and signal are all connected and broken. I was so angry and relieved at the same time.

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