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Ive read the other reviews and I want to point out that my experience was with Just Brakes Killeen Tx.

Ive had some bad experiences with my car in Killeen Tx. Im happy to say that Just Brakes were not among them.

I took my car into Just Brakes needing more work done than just brakes. I received excellent customer service. I felt very confident that the mechanics knew their job well. They gave me detailed explanations of work needed before starting. They completed their job well in a very timely mannor and above all I felt that the work they did was needed and not just to line their pockets. The manager actively took time out to come and explain procedures to me and tell me my options in a way i could understand, they left me feeling very confident in their work. As a military spouse who has to fend for herself often I am so very happy to find car mechanics who take pride in their profession. Well done Just Brakes .

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