Report Abuse

Report abuse on a PetSmart Store locations and Hours Post

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Last November I took our little schitzu-poodle mix to the Petsmart store at Aurora & 130th. The usual, bathe, trip, nail grinding, etc. We'd been taking him there for a full y ear or more prior to that. We were satisfied with the groomer who usually worked on him, and always left her at lest a cash $5.00 tip if not more. When I came to pick Mugsy up I was shocked to say the least. The groomer (Cindi?) had shaved him down to his SKIN .. ! This is in mind-November? It turned out she was upset that a few weeks before we'd brought Mugsy in and Cindi was not available, so the manager herself did the grooming. Cindi was upset that we "failed" to bring Mugsy in on a day she was there. She got her "revenge" by being so cruel to the dog ... shaving him down to his skin at a time of the year any animal needs their coat to keep 'em warm. The manager sort of felt bad aout it. She offered $10.00 off the next grooming. Forget it. We're now taking Mugsy to Great Dog off Roosevelt. MUCH kinder people there.

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