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Report abuse on a Pet Supplies Plus Store locations and Hours Post

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I seriously think they just throw clueless kids out there without even training them before hand. There was only one kid out there, the manager sitting in the office looking like she was just playing with her cell phone. If your gonna have kids out there, help them out. That's what your getting paid for. Management sucks. Owner's a kiss ass just trying to get as much money out of you as possible. Worse than a car dealer. Everyone looks hungover or exhausted. It's dirty in there, bugs were in the bulk bins. I'm pretty sure I saw a rodent scurrying around. I know it's a pet store but that's still unsanitary. And apparently management likes to "hire and fire" kids as well. I see a new clueless kid in there everytime I walk in. Is an amatuer running this shop. Seriously how is this place still running? Poor professionalism, bad atmosphere, just a terrible place to shop!! THUMBS DOWN. So embarrassing.

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