Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Lowe's Store locations and Hours Post

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I realy felt bad for the person applying for a Lowes credit card. I was standing in line waiting to be served at service pick up area. There was only one server...who was taking information from a client reqesting a credit card.The questions asked to the person... Where are you employed, how much do you make an hour, how long have you been empolyed with the current employer. you address...etc.etc....Just want you to know that every question that was asked the person applying for the credit looked at me, and it really made me feel uncomfortable. I'm just saying...I really think you should tighten up on your privacey policey, It made me feel akward, and I think the person applying was totaly embarest by the fact that she had broadcast alot of her personal information to complete strangers...I'm sorry...this just dos'nt sit well with me....take care, have a great day.

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