Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Pep Boys Store locations and Hours Post

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Since moving to Columbia over 3 years ago we have used Pep Boys on Broad River Rd. they have handled oil changes, new set of tires, idler pulley replacement, belt tensioner replacement, and air filter changes on our Trailblazer. The work is always professional as expected, but the thing that makes us keep going back is the 3 guys at the front. We have been there during non busy and crazy busy times they always handle each customer with patients and a personal concern for them and heir vehicles and it shows. They are pleasant even with some difficult clients. I was in this past Good Friday and they were slammed but you couldn't tell by them because their patients and personal care for each customer didn't waiver. They remembered me and my car when I came in. I did wait awhile to get 3 things done but I understood they were busy and didn't mind. Great job guys!

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