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Report abuse on a Lowe's Store locations and Hours Post

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Customer service is a joke. Every time I'm in that store I tell myself I'm never coming back. 20 minutes before closing and they're hounding you to get out of their store. If they want to leave at exactly 9 o'clock Then close at 8:30! Tonight I asked somebody for help the guy looked up at me and said yeah I seen those before but maybe you should try this other area. So I go down to the other area recommended by the first guy. I told the lady what I was looking for and ask where it was. She said I don't know in continue to play on her computer. So I walked out of the store and threw down what I had in my hand. Over $200 in sales that they will never get back, Plus thousands of others !!! There are a lot of other stores that sell the same products. I am sure they will be happy to take my money. Thanks lowes!

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