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I order a pizza from Dominos in Siler City, not once now but Twice this has happened. I used to not check my receipts so I don't know how many times it has actually happened, I am charged one thing at time of order, then when I get my statement there is additional charge on my acct. I pay tips in cash, so this should not be the issue, but I guess the driver wants more so he adds his own tip and then keeps my cash to. I never get the receipt. Last time I called the individual store and was given a credit on my next purchase, but then it has happened again, and I am very dissatisfied, once could be mistake, but twice is a thief. I ever got the wrong thing, the pizza was correct, but my breadsticks had cheese in them, instead of being plain, the store I had to repeat my debit card #3 times ( I will be looking to make sure employees do not use it for there own use) Bad that you cannot trust a pizza delivery service, when the charge is done at time of order, I will not be ordering again, or if I do I will pay in cash, no more added charges on my card, not worth it. Store should have management....

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