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I just tried to order 2 pizzas for delivery, after the 3 minute commercial period on hold, I placed my order for delivery. I told the young lady that I was paying in cash and the driver would need to make change for a $50. She informed me that the drivers didnt carry enough to break a bill so large. Really? Thats why i bothered to tell her I had a $50 instead of waiting and springing it on the driver! Dont tell me the drivers safety is the issue...what do they do when a large order pays in cash? Do they call Brinks to come carry the load of money??? The store mgr could have simply given the driver the change for my order to "carry" all the way to my house for the massive exchange! You screwed the pooch Domino's, your competitor did just that for their customer and now will get my cash or credit card orders because they bothered to take care of their cash customers.

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