Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Lowe's Store locations and Hours Post

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My family and I made a visit to Lowe's, today. Even though the store wasn't crowded, it seemed to still have the horrible customer service that everybody comes to enjoy in this area. After selecting seeds for my up coming garden and bolts for my husbands project - the automatic checkout seems to have issues with weighing items in ounces when you place them in the bag after ringing them up. Well instead of the store employee realizing this problem (and being told by the customer {us}) that the items were rung up correctly, she HAD to comment that we (the dumb customer) didn't know how to properly ring up and place the item in the bag. That it must be 'US' that made the mistake. Well after she pulled out all the items and counted all 8 of the seed packets and 2 boxes of bolts - she placed everything back and walked away without saying one apologetic word for the store (LOWE'S SELF CHECK OUT MACHINES) mistake. To all employees of Lowe's and your executives: You are not the only people in the country or world that has any IT experience. Take it from a retired satellite/aerial image expert and senior programming specialist. So, with that being said, ' Maybe your employees needs better training in customer service and how to speak with the people that come into your store that supply them with local jobs or recalibrate your self-checkout machines to start weighing items being purchased in ounces and not only pounds. [IN THIS CASE, IT SEEMS]

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