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Report abuse on a Logan's Roadhouse Store locations and Hours Post

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We hadn't been to Logans for awhile, but had become disatisfied with other restaurants when it came to their steaks. So, a couple of days we decided to check Logans out again. The bread has changed, not as good as it used to be, however, the steaks (ribeye's) we ordered were fantastic. But something else happened that we have not enjoyed for a long time. Our waiter's name was Tom and he was a pure pleasure and added so much to our experience there. He was happy, funny, interacting with us and above all, he acted like he truly loved being there. What a wonderful guy Tom is and how lucky Logan's is to have him as a waiter there. Thanks Tom and Logan's for a memorable night. We will be back! Sincerely and hoping you have a very Merry Christmas Holiday and wishing you great success!

Karen Shull and Ralph McColgan

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