Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Johnny Rockets Store locations and Hours Post

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I have been to this location before and I enjoyed my time there, but my most recent visit was horrible. I went with two friends and when we arrived our waitress did not greet us kindly and she did not bring any ketchup bowls. When our food was done our waitress would not bring it to us. So a different waiter brought it to us. ( he was very nice) When we finally got our food we did not get any silver wear. I had to use a napkin for ketchup and the burger was undercooked and we only received 3 French fries. Then one of the managers came and apologized and said she would make it up to us. Nothing changed I still paid full price for shitty service and cold food. And the manager avoided us. I will never ever go back and I will not refer any of my friends.

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