Report Abuse

Report abuse on a St. Vincent de Paul Store locations and Hours Post

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Employees are the RUDEST ever! My husband and I were vacationing in the UP and I was looking forward to doing some thrifting. I had been to this store 3 yrs ago and the prices were reasonable. Not so this time. Way overpriced and selection just so-so. Got there at 2:45 on a Saturday, not realizing that they closed at 3PM. After I was there for 5 minutes, they turned off ALL of the lights in the store!! No announcement that they were soon closing, nothing! I continued to shop for a few more minutes, then was almost to the counter when the woman behind it barked at me "We're closing!". I asked if I could shop for another minute or two, and the young guy behind the counter said "We have places to go!". I couldn't believe how RUDE and unprofessional they were! I put my things on the counter and walked out! I will never go there again!!!

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