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Report abuse on a JC Penney Optical Store locations and Hours Post

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I went there for a simple change on my nose pads which I've done many many times with no issues at all. However this time almost turned into a nightmare the dark haired young lady mangled the piece that holds the pads and handed them back to me as if nothing was wrong. This girl twisted the mental piece everyway but right, Finally I made the other girl there take over and finish up the repair which she did her best after the first girl really messed up the wire. I decided to just take my glasses and leave before they ended up broken. If the first girl had said I havent been trained on how to do that I would have said oh ok with a smile and walked out. JCPenny needs to tell these people dont do anything if you havent been trained. Now I have to take my glasses to someone else to see if they can fix this mangled piece so I can wear them comfortly again. DONT TAKE YOUR GLASSES THERE

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