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we ordered a Christmas dinner for 2 from our local cracker barrel. we were told it would be ready to be picked up at 1:00 on Christmas Eve. we were running a little late that day, so we called and told them. the person on the phone said that was no problem, the dinner would be there when we arrived. no mention was made of the fact that the store was closing at 2:00. we made it to the store at 2:35. we were told by a person outside that the restaurant had closed. we explained that we were there to pick up an order and were admitted to the store. the young lady behind the counter said she would have to get the so-called "manager". he came out and said that our order was no longer available, since he had discarded it. he stated that we were not there "on time" and he could not hold the order all day. my question is, since he obviously had to stay until all the customers left and the place was cleaned up, why could he not hold on the the order until he made sure that no one was coming to get it. my other question is why would we order Christmas Dinner and then not go pick it up. the store was still filled with people finishing up their food, browsing the junk in the entry way, and paying their bills, so why was a take out order not held until time to go home and then "discarded"? this has to be the worst Christmas present i have ever received, and probably is the worst example of customer service that i have ever seen also. after all this went down the jerk had the audacity to wish us a merry Christmas. i will never grace the insides of one of your stores again, and i will try to stop everyone i know who goes to your stores from ever going again.

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