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Report abuse on a Genghis Grill Store locations and Hours Post

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My husband and I visited the Abilene Genghis Grill for the first time. I have been to multiple in the metroplex so it was not my first time. Although it was in a horrible location it was pretty busy. We were seating quickly and greeted by a young man who seemed very friendly. We had never used the colored cards so he explained those to us. As we made our way to the food line there was an employee filling it and keeping it clean. There was a some food on the floor, but like I said it was pretty busy and there was a steady amount of people walking through the lines. We dropped our bowls off and the grill and multiple cooks yelled asking us how we were doing and if we had allergies. One approached us and took our bowl. Our food arrived in a good amount of time considering the amount of people that were there. It was cooked to perfection and obviously the ingredients were delicious because I made it. Our server kept our drinks filled and stopped by multiple times with extra sauces and napkins to make sure we were good. 2 different ladies stopped by the also check on us (i'm assuming the managers) and they were very friendly. Seemed like everyone was having a great time. I will deff. be back to visit often. Wish it was in a better location though. Love the rewards card program!!!! Nothing is better then free bowls!

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