Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Valvoline Store locations and Hours Post

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I had an oil change on 12-1-12.

16 days later my car started smoking from under the hood. I called my dealership to tow my car.

The dealership reported that the oil filter was loose and spraying oil all over under the hood.

Valvoline Edgewood KY told me after they performed their "investigation", that I should have called them to come check out the car and that I should never of had it towed.

Lets keep in mind that this is 16 days later. Why in the world would I assume that the professionals I paid to change my oil messed up.

I took the receipts and statements to Valvoline that proved they are the ones that are responsible for the auto repairs/damage.

They refused to pay for the tow or reimburse me for the oil change. They did offer to pay $47.00. This was the bill from the dealership for the work they did only. Not the tow portion of $161.00.

Our household was a returning customer to this Valvoline. After learning how Valvoline treats their customers when they are in the wrong, I feel it necessary to warn others to stay way from this business.

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