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Report abuse on a Dick's Sporting Goods Store locations and Hours Post

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I've never been to this Dick's location, so my review doesn't have to do with an in-store experience. Instead it has to do with a phone call I made to them (today December 21st, 2012 around 12:15pm) I called simply to ask if they had an item in stock. The first thing I heard when the lady picked up the phone was, "Who were you holding for?" .... Not "Thank you for calling Dick's Sporting Goods." It wasn't until after I explained that I wasn't on hold that she asked what I needed help with. I told her, and she went to search for the item. About a minute later she picks up the phone again with "Who are you holding for?"... After I reminded her what I was waiting for she (in a slightly annoyed tone) says "Oh yeah, I have it on my to-do list" and places me back on hold... Um, alright? After about another minute a male picks up and says, "Sir?" ... After explaining I'm not who he's looking for, he puts me on hold.. Again. The fourth time someone picks up its a different male voice saying "Ma'am? I'm sorry we don't have that bench in stock." I explained to him that he had the wrong person and I was not calling about a bench, so he put me back on hold, yet again. The fifth time a different male voice picks up saying, "Hello? Hello?". I guess he couldn't hear me talking because I then got hung up on. I'm not even sure why I bothered calling back, but I did. The first lady I spoke to picked up the phone again with a "Who are you holding for?" I explained I was hung up on while holding for her to look for an item for me only to be told "Yeah we don't have that." Ok. Great.

I'm not sure what is wrong with their phone system, but it needs to be executed better. It is not hard to keep track of who you have waiting on which line. I have worked with a multi-line phone system for years. It is also not difficult to go the extra mile with a simple, "Thank you for holding" or a "may I place you on hold for a moment?" Or maybe an apology for mistaking your customer multiple times.

Needless to say, I planned on purchasing two of these items (Underarmour collared USC shirts) and I ended up purchasing none. Don't think I'll be doing business with this store again.

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