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I took a early day a couple weeks before Valentines day and walked into a physical store and asked if I could make a custom arrangement. Not only Was I told yes...but they also helped me make a beautiful idea come to life. So excited to have my delivery only be disappointed. The wrong flowers were used. The wrong colors. The wrong color balloons. The wrong shape arrangement. Wrong design. EPIC FAIL!!!! Never again!!!! Use a local florist and get recommendations on pleasant experiences, do not let THIS company ruin your special occasion. So disappointed I cried and wished I could rewind the time and just make my own and walk them in. How do you use the wrong color balloons??? Wrong shape??? And instead of an apology from the company I got a bad attitude. I was told the florist did her best. The only thing they got right was the person and location of the delivery. Worst valentines day delivery EVER!!!

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