Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Enterprise Store locations and Hours Post

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On a Tuesday i traveled and hour and a half to Metairie to drop my car off to a dealership . when this enterprise at 3529 n i-10 service rd told me they had no cars available .They told me i could get a car the next day . so i had to return home in my own car without getting it looked at . Then the next day i came all the way to metairie again and they had a car but told me i was not able to rent a car with them bc i had a debit card and not a credit card, and bc my bills were in my husbands name , not mine! So i was stranded with no car to ride home in and i was brought back to the dealership where my vehicle was. my dealership had it taken care of by putting the charge on the bill of service . so enterprise had to come pick me up again ( im 8 months pregnant and i have my 4 year old with me ) the whole process was 2 hours long ! then i get the rental car and it was disgusting !!!!!!! i had to wash it , and wipe and disinfect the inside and buy air fresh . Not to mention i drive a 50 thousand dollar ,8 seat car ....they put me in a tiny hatch back focus !!!! very disappointed !!!!!

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