Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Labcorp Store locations and Hours Post

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I had the worst experience recently at this location on Kisker. The woman who drew my blood did not do it properly and it was VERY painful when she was trying to find the vein. After a few moments she said 'Does that hurt?' As if she couldn't tell by my face! So she went in the other arm and the vile started to fill, but then it 'fell out' because her hand slipped and she had to stick me again. I went home and I was bruised immediately but thought nothing of it. Well it has been 2 weeks and I am having horrible pain in the arm that she initially tried to take blood from. It is not bruised, so I believe she hit a nerve because my forearm burns and the pain goes all the way through to my thumb. I can't straighten my left arm without pain. Nerve damage can take months to heal and I am NOT happy. I also agree with the other review, there is no privacy in this place. A tiny little curtain separates you from chairs with people sitting about 5 feet away. Also it was hard to figure out where to sign in and where to wait. Luckily there was a gentleman working at that time who saw me looking lost and directed me to the right place.

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