Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Labcorp Store locations and Hours Post

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I have been sent to Labcorp several times for family members needing to have bloodwork done. I have yet to have a pleasant experience. They are rude and are in no hurry ever! I brought my daughter one afternoon to have a drug test done for a job interview. I did not know they stopped drug testing at 3 or that they closed at 4. When I arrived, it was 4:00 exactly. I assumed they were still open because two ladies were in the doorway along with a man talking. When they say my daughter get out of the car, they walked inside, shut the door, and preceeded to lock it all the while looking her in the face. They didnt bother to acknowledge her, kindly tell her they were closed or anything. I plan on letting them know just how rude and unprofessional they are.

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