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Report abuse on a Labcorp Store locations and Hours Post

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I will never go back to that Lab again. I waited close to 1 hour. The place is like a zoo. The staff up front have to check you in, answer calls and sent you back to the techs to get tested. While doing all of this they are trying to complete your paperwork. If everything gets done correctly I will be surprised. You are treated like a number ...No expressions on the face of the employees except yawn's (while they are talking to you). I have never been on goverment assistance but I am guessing its run somewhat like this lab. Once you get into the back to get your blood work done you can breathe. The techs are great and professional. the girls upfront look like they are working in a bar. Huge earrings, chomping on gum. The are not professional at all. I will try the Cherry Hill Lab and see if they are run a little better.

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