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Report abuse on a Labcorp Store locations and Hours Post

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I arrived at LabCorp at 2100 Gervais Street, Columbia SC at 4:35 a quoted by the "receptionist". I was told that the office was closed as she pointed to a taped piece of paper on the door indicating the office hours had changed from 5:00 to 4:30 pm. She DID NOT offer any further assistance at all but proceeded to sign in a caucasian gentleman that had just come in the door before me. The man was literally just signing in!!! I insisted on information on any other clinic that stayed open later since it was obvious that I wasn't going to get any service there. The "receptionist" gave me a sheet of information for all six of the Colulmbia LabCorps. I was told to go to the Highland Center office because they stayed open until 5:00pm. In traffic, this is a good thirty minute drive! I arrived there ten minutes til 5:00 only to find it already closed. I knocked on the door until someone answered. I informed them that I was sent by the Gervais Street location. The woman proceeded to tell me that ALL locations are well informed that ALL locations are close at 4:30. Since LabCorp has a corporate contract with the company for which I needed lab work done, much better service should be rendered to their clients, not customers but clients!!

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