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Report abuse on a Aaron's Store locations and Hours Post

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Okay about 2 months ago I started leasing a new bed. The frame was suppose to come with a leather cover to match the head rest, but they forgot to deliver it. They told me they would deliver it the following week on their next delivery date. So weeks go by and I haven't heard a word from any employees there. I call them up and they told me they dId not have it so they had to order it. Another 2 weeks go by and I call them back to get some type of response, they said they had it there but their not gonna send It through their delivery truck because it was too far away for a small piece. So the woman said they will fed ex it to me. I called back a week or so later to check the status of it. The woman told me she will call me back with a tracking # or to see what happened to the package. Never got a call back. I'm still to this day waiting for it. I called yesterday to speak to a manager, and he put me on hold for nearly 20 minutes before I hung up with frustration just to call back and speak to a different sails rep in which I had to explain my situation all over again. I don't recommend this store to ANYONE! These people seemed helpful and they would tell you what you wanna hear, but it seems like they just dont care! I can't wait to not deal with this company anymore.

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