Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Cumberland Farms Store locations and Hours Post

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I went in and purchased a frappacino to put on my card. I had a huge migraine and was trying to gettin and out. The lady at the counter ( short black hair n glasses) made some very rude comments. She first told me about their ice coffee for .99 cents. I told her I was in a rush have a headache and do not have a job and cant afford thag hence the foodstamps. I did not appreciate her comment in a nasty tone " you can't afford .99??? You can get 3 for what u just paid." we'll that's nice, but I really think its none of her business what I do. How rude. Wouldn't reccommend talking to this lady. That's not the first time I've experienced rudeness from her. They need better employees that don't talk down on poor people.

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