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Report abuse on a Donatos Store locations and Hours Post

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I order pizza 9/28/13 online 12" with pep, sausage, cheese! Well it came and was not cook fully the pizza was sloppy made and raw. Well I tired to call that night no answer so I called today and Shawn answer (mgr), I was explaining to him the problem as I was talking he said "Well do expect me to give you something free" I said well I just was letting you know what was going on. i am trying to talk to him and he was over talking me, like I told him I wont even feed it to my dogs! I just feel you work in the public and I know every customer out there arent trying to get something free all the time, u have to treat people with respect if u want it back! I dont want another pizza i dont even want me $$$ back! I am just gonna keep eating Grand Dads pizza on morse rd!

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