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Report abuse on a Firestone Store locations and Hours Post

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It is so unfortunate that usually the people that write reviews are the ones that had one bad experience or clashed with a sales rep. Now when they have a good experience they don't take the time to write about it.

I have been to other Firestone location numerous times and have yet to have a problem. Like any place you go to where there are sales involved, the sales people are always going to try to push you a's obvious! However, every single time I have been here, the guys have been super nice. There's no BS and they are very curteous. They take the time to explain everything in detail and even show you exactly why you need what you need.

I have a Toyota Camry and took it to the dealer for my regular maintenance because it's free with them. The dealer recommended around $700 worth of maintenance. So I decided to go for a second opinion and went to my local Firestone. When I got there, Johnny, the store manager, assisted me, along with David. I told them I wanted an inspection to see what they would recommend.

I was a little apprehensive after reading the previous review thinking I was going to get a laundry list of things. However, I was pleasantly surprised when they told me what my car needed.

All my fluids were up to date and all they recommended was a tire rotation and an alignment. They mentioned a few things to keep in mind for a future visit but told me I was in no hurry. They basically saved me $600 of expenses on worthless repairs that were not needed for my car yet. And best of all, I was only in there for about 40 minutes, including the estimate and what was done to my car. They even suggested that next time I make an appointment if I was in a rush.

So, as a woman I love this place! Knowing that they take the time to show me why my car needs something is great. Great service! Highly recommend!

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