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I couldn't add one more word that would be printable. These people have said it all. I'ts a little comforting knowing it's not just me going through all this crap. Thank all of you who mentiond lying. They are liars. They never go back and refund you or say they can't when they've misled you. We all need to call the FCC. Wonder what the brass thinks of all these negative comments. How can they not see their services suck. It's the worst I've ever delt with. I've never talked with ONE person who has Comcast and is pleased with them. Just mentioning the word COMCAST starts nothin but negative remarks and you find out that you're not the only one they've lied to. Comcast repeats the same lies regarding your plan. It's always you that didn't understand why you don't get the pkg for a reasonable price. "You didn't send back a letter agreeing to the pkg deal". No mention of sendin you a form u needed to fill out and return. Heard this exact same LIE from others. Cannot believe the CEO & higher-ups don't correct this problem with customer service. The worst ever! Did you read all the comments before mine? I would hate to work for your company.

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