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Report abuse on a Harris Teeter Store locations and Hours Post

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Several weeks back I called the Colony Road/Rea Road Harris Teeter. I had questions about my recent Western Union transaction pertaining to if the money order I purchased had not been deposited and I had the money order returned to me if I could receive my funds back. Over the phone Amanda walked me through it and told me to come to the location and she could help more. On arrival Amanda was on another customer service phone call. A gentleman running the self check-out told me someone would be right with me. Ginny soon arrived and got me all squared away. I was in a bit of a panic, concerned if I were to be able to get my funds returned and with the help and patience of Amanda and Ginny they made my day! Thank you very much ladies and the Colony Road Harris Teeter for all of your help and service. I would return and recommend your location any day!

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