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Report abuse on a HEB Store locations and Hours Post

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After this major renovation, I was really hoping that the store would expand their small town type fare; however, it's worse than it was before. The produce department is bigger, but all they did was add a bunch of apples!!! I needed fresh garlic...didn't have it. Always look for fennel...didn't have it! The meat department didn't expand, all they did was add a bunch of processed meat cases...yuck!!! If they think that that's a fresh fish case, they've got to be nuts!!! Went down the pet isle only to find that they've quit carrying pet toys, leashes, shampoo, etc. Elgin doesn't have a Petco, and I don't want to pay extra high prices at the feed store for dog shampoo! Went to get computer paper and guess what? They were out! They probably only order a case of paper at a time. Elgin doesn't have an office depot either. The renovation was a waste of time. It didn't improve the store at all.

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