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To whom every is reading this I want to make this very clear this is not in any way shape or form a paid endorsement for “hobby town usa”. In this business climate we live in these days I don’t need to tell consumers that the norm these days is big on sales and very little if any on focus on customer service. I think anyone reading this would unanimously agree. So when you come across a business that goes over and beyond in the knowledge of their products and exceeds their customers exceptions people need to know about it! This one fact goes without saying we all work hard for our money these days. So being an educated consumer is extremely important, knowing you always have a choice in where and with whom you spend your hard earned money with.

I can’t speak for anyone except myself, if a business doesn’t treat me like they want my business and want me to return they will not get my money and that’s the way it should be. As consumers we don’t need businesses business’s need us. We have what they need to stay in business. So it’s really a joint partnership that only gets better when both party’s benefit. This was how it was when I was kid the economy was stronger because the business’s during that time understood this by providing a quality product with customer to match and consumer appreciated that and in return supported that business. That’s what you call a win, win situation for both parties. It time we get back to that type of business partnerships. So if you are looking for a local hobby shop that will treat you like they want you to come back and understand you have a choice as to where you spend your hard earned money and will exceed your expectation in customer service and after the sell customer service “Hobby Town USA is the place. I’m not tell you what I think, I telling you what I know is a fact and what I’ve experienced over the last four months in doing business with them. I support this business because their customer service reminds me what customer service use to be and should be!

Jimmy Frazier just one over the top satisfied customer

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