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Report abuse on a Ingles Markets Store locations and Hours Post

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I have shopped this store since it opened and have always down all of my grocery shopping there. As of late this store is not stocked and is usually out of a lot of items. There is a very nice Kroger just down the road and you would think the manager would keep the store stocked but that is not the case. I have even complained to the manager about being out of things with no results. I asked about a certain lemonade I liked when they had been out of it for 2 weeks and his comment was I am sure it has been ordered. The next week I was in there and they were still out. I have been forced to shop at other stores because they do not keep this store stocked. It is really a shame because I think Ingles products are good and their prices are cheaper than Kroger and Publix. However, I am being chased away by them not being stocked. This is also on the weekend too not just the first of the week.

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