Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Ingles Markets Store locations and Hours Post

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I have never sent in a complaint to any business. I own 4 companies and realize that some people can be dIfficult in dealing with the public. However this is the second trip in the last 3 days that I have had a bad experience in Ingles. I waited in line behind 1 couple that only had about 15 items but after about 15 minutes I moved to another line that cleared up. I only had 2 items but it took me almost 5 minutes just to check out. The 2 cashiers were spending more time talking to each other about what they did the night before than checking me out. The service has really become inefficient. I am a patient guy but I also believe efficiency helps keep our cost down. It was not that Ingles was short of help. There were 3 people trying to check out the couple in line 1 and 2 were (talking) trying to check me out. Plus I noticed 3 more talking ahead of the lines not doing anything. I know this email will not solve the issue so I guess I just need to shut up and find another store to shop at.

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