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Report abuse on a Jewel-Osco Store locations and Hours Post

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I'm giving location a 3 out of 5 stars because one apple spoiled the bunch. I lost my phone today and through iCloud I located it at the Jewel store. I drove back to Jewel and I asked the employee running self check out (because I self checked myself out) if she'd seen a phone. She went to customer service and thus where the issues began. The customer service representative is a elderly woman with long white, grey hair. The woman running self check out seemed to have an attitude and was annoyed when the employee from self check out asked if she'd received a phone. After a brief look the self check out employee returned and told me she hadn't found it. I told her that I know it's at this location somewhere and before I could finish my sentence the customer service representative got in my face and started saying that it must be somewhere in the store then. I told her I know that the last time I saw it, the phone was at the self check out, so it had to be between there and the parking lot. She then yelled that it must be and the parking lot and I should go look for it. The other employees around offered to look for my phone in the parking lot, while the customer service representative kept insisting I needed to go look for it. At this point I said I wasn't accusing anyone of taking it, I was just saying that it has to be at this location because of how I located it on my computer. At this point her entire demeanor changes and she's like "Oh, Okay" and walks away. The self check out representative was so kind and she took down my information(which you'd expect the customer service representative would do instead of being so rude) and she even told me where I could find the carts so I could check there. I ended up finding it in the parking lot, and all is well. I'm just disgusted at the customer service representative's reaction and how she handled the situation. I've worked retail and the last thing I would ever do is treat an already anxious customer with such disrespect. The other employees I encountered were wonderful and extremely helpful, but the customer service representative should have a different position based on how she handled this circumstance.

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