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Report abuse on a Littman Jewelers Store locations and Hours Post

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TERRIBLE COMPANY!!! Littman Jewelers in the Crossgates Mall in Albany NY is the worst business I have ever dealt with. They misquoted the price of my diamond to me multiple times, and once I finally caved and paid the higher price, they gave me an incorrect receipt and I received a statement in the mail a week later asking for an additional 700 dollars!!! To make matters worse, the band on the setting looked so scuffed after only having it for two weeks I was ashamed to show people my ring. WARNING: They do not manufacture their rings and cannot guarantee the quality of their metals! Do not purchase anything from this company. They not only were extremely unprofessional and unreliable, but I returned my ring in it's entirety and I am STILL dealing with bills coming in the mail asking for money!!! Ruined my engagement experience. I dealt with Cathy from this store and she is unbearable to do business with. Stay far far away! Got my dream ring at Glenn Peters Jeweler.

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