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Report abuse on a Littman Jewelers Store locations and Hours Post

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Worst jewler ever. I have yet to even get my ring and I'm so displeased with this place. I went and picked out my ring on August 22nd 2013. They said it would be done on the 30th and I could come pick it up. So. I went on the 30th, very excited to finally get it. Go in and they take 20 minutes looking for the ring. No one could find it. Turns out, the ring is in New York City. Someone was supposed to call me about it but no one did. They said next Friday it would be done for sure. So. Today I called to ensure that it would be done before I wasted my time going up there to get the ring. First, they didn't even have the proper filling and had to ASK what the ring looked like. And then told me that I had to wait until next Thursday to get it. At this point I am so disgusted with this company I don't even want it anymore. I'm sure I could find a much better ring somewhere else.

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