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Report abuse on a Golden Corral Store locations and Hours Post

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This new location replaced the disgusting one on highway 70. The new location has been open since August and has been DIRTY each time I'm there. I spoke with the manager last time because an elderly lady almost fell by slipping in dried ice cream. When I told him about it, he acted as if I was bothering him. He sighed. When I asked if they cleaned between lunch and dinner (it was 5:15 PM and the place was filthily) he said "show me what is dirty." I gave him a complete tour and for each instance he had an excuse, even as far as to blame it on his staff and he even quoted the size of the building, as if to say it's too big to keep up with. They still had lunch labels for dinner and when I asked someone where the chicken tenders were they replied "only lunch" I then pointed out the label overhead and they responded "for tomorrow." What?? The manager was cocky, rude to me and cut me off at ever sentence I spoke. I had my five year old with me and it didn't seem to bother him to raise his voice over me each time I spoke. He was an obnoxious JERK. Very rude and condescending. There are six flavors of ice cream and only the vanilla worked. The coffee machine didn't work. The dessert bar was not stocked (outside of the ice cream on the floor) I would drive to Highway 42's in a second before going back to this one. BTW, the spilled ice cream that the lady slipped in was still there when I left. - To the manager, BP, you should be ashamed of yourself and of the restaurant you "manage".

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