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Report abuse on a Tractor Supply Store locations and Hours Post

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Every time I go to this store, I always get great and friendly service. This past time I was in there looking for my wife's Mother's Day gift. She wanted the windmill TSC had on sale. Theresa (I hope I am spelling it right) checked and found they were all sold out. When I told her it was for Mother's Day, she contacted the TSC store in Bartow and found out that they had several still. She asked them to hold one and then contacted her husband (who works in Bartow) and had him pick it up on the way home. I came in the next morning and picked it up. She didn't have to do that and even though her husband works in Bartow, it is a long ride home from there and he is probably in a hurry to get home. But Theresa said they do that all the time for customers. Like I said great customer service and great store!

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