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Report abuse on a PNC Bank Store locations and Hours Post

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I live in Bloomington and the PNC I go to a PNC right down the road from my house and it's nice because unlike a CEFCU, the people at PNC call you by your name when u come in to do your banking....your not a number to them. Plus, PNC has a Virtual Wallet and I just love using the online banking to pay my bills, check my accounts, and transfer funds into different accounts with a push of a button whenever I need to (no overdrafts that way). I use to live in Metamora, IL and use Germantown Hills PNC and they too, knew me by name. I appreciate being a name rather than a number. All staff are always very friendly. They care about their customers, unlike other banks I've done business with. I rate PNC with the highest rating possible....I'd give them 20 stars if it was an option! If you don't bank with PNC, you should! Give 'em a won't be disappointed! Best decision and choice you'll ever make with a bank!

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