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It is understandable in this economy that companies will scale back on employees. Joann Fabrics is no stranger to scaling back. But if you are going to be successful you have to change policies that worked when you had a larger staff but does not work with a small staff. Example: I went into a Joann Fabrics store to buy some things and when I got to the checkout there was one employee and a line of approx 15 people waiting to checkout. People were not happy. There was only one other employee in the store who was cutting material for someone. The phone rang and the person at the checkout answered the phone. She had to go and check to see if the store had a product that the person on the phone was enquiring about. When she got back and answered the customers question the hung up. People in line wanted to know why the tel. customer was waiting on before they were when they were there first. The employee said that is the store policy to wait on phone customers before anyone else. At this time the line was about 20 people deep and when people heard that answer about half of them put there product down and left the store. If you are in the business to make money that seems like a bad policy.

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