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This is my second time using straight talk. First time was before smart phones were even available through them. Having a small issue with my phone. It runs on ATT and they negotiates with them to get 4g back in September. However, my phone was packaged and sold with an old SIM card before September so I'm stuck in 2g/3g. Also, my data has been fine. The fine print says that you have 2.5 gigs of high speed before they throttle down or suspend the account. So yes..... If you're online constantly like a complete jacka** then yes, you will have issues. I only go through 1g a month, but I also don't "experiment" with my phone, or watch entire seasons of "Lost" on Netflix. Great reception, phone is good quality ( I have the windows phone). All I have to do is resolve the 4g issue, and it'll all be good

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